Maximise pass rates at a fraction of the cost
Set up rules-based KYC and KYB for any legal entity type and any risk profile, anywhere in the world.

What can KYB, KYC AML do for your compliance team?
Reduction in
processing costs
processing costs
Reduction in
customer attrition
customer attrition
Reduction in
time to complete
time to complete

Verify businesses anywhere in the world in minutes with our automation engine
- Access over 10,000 data sources to ensure airtight compliance checks.
- Unravel complex business entities including trusts, partnerships, companies, and sole traders with a single click via our auto-mapping tool.
- Customise your verification rules to ensure you meet your compliance obligations. Create customizable offers based on your selected criteria.
Identify and verify key beneficial owners with auto KYC & AML
- Ensure legal compliance with out of the box automated checks including: global watchlists, sanctions, PEPs, adverse media + more.
- Minimise false positives with fully-customisable check criteria
- Speed up your verification of UBO’s with DVS real-time identity verification.

Manage the compliance of your channel and partners wherever they may be
- Resellers, distributors and other partners no longer present a compliance risk.
- Complete oversight in real-time of your partners AML, KYC, KYB onboarding processes.
- Integrated and transparent control of any downstream KYB, KYC.
Let us look after your verifications
so you don’t have to
MVSI has a multilingual team of KYC/AML experts across US, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific that can assist in
setting up your programs review existing programs, audit services, and much more.